Invest in the Story

Posted Dec 16, 2016

Photographers are story tellers, not simply picture takers. We embrace a subtractive art form in order to create pieces that touch the hearts of our clients. But just how subtractive should we really be?

You put time and precision into carefully crafting a fairy-tale wedding. Why should the fairy-tale only last a day? It should last far longer than a day. You should find yourself with tangible long lasting images that showcase your fairy-tale. This does not simply mean winding up with THE photo. It isn’t just about that perfect shot, the one that is largest on your wall and sent off on all of your thank you notes. That image is nice and you will treasure it, but does it tell the whole story?

At the end of the day, that magical day that goes by so fast, you should wind up with an entire story. An entire story that you can hold in your hands while reliving the fairy-tale. An entire story that you can narrate to your children. The story is not simply, “we looked wonderful and loved each other dearly”. There was a whole process to your big day. Preparations with loved ones. Someone held your hand as the stress set in and you beamed a big cheesy grin- that same grin you see reflected in your children. You breathed that special sigh before you walked down the aisle. You graced the dance floor with your spouse and your parents. Why should your photographer leave before your first dance, or not arrive until you are at the alter?

We spend so much time thinking we know what is important in life, but do we really? The most important things come down to some of the tiniest moments. Unrehearsed fragments in time that only display their importance after the fact. A dad carefully clasping his daughters necklace moments before he gives her away shows more love than any posed picture ever could. The same is true of a mom buttoning a gown to perfection. Did you even know your gown needed to be buttoned? Your mom did, and your photographer did.

A photographer’s value proposition should never just be a photo. We offer the visuals to a story that you will narrate time and time again. We hand you the pieces you may have otherwise forgotten and allow you to treasure them. So often couples wish to save on the cost of photography by limiting the hours of coverage. This may help your bank account in the moment, but it leaves pieces missing forever. Your wedding photos are one of the only tangible items you can truly keep. Don’t let your story be incomplete- invest in the whole story.