I Love You Because...

Posted Aug 12, 2020

"I love you because you are tall...and you have a beard"

These are words that stand out in the beautifully crafted vows Dennis read to Josh on their wedding day.  I assure you that the collection of sentiments shared between these two contained far deeper meaning and commitment.  Promises of future children and the love they will bring.  Promises of longevity. 

All of these wonderful things and the small intimate joke of where their love began still holds so much weight.  You know it's a remark that started at the beginning and has been passed around so often.  Privately and in groups of friends.  The small collection of friends and family gathered for this micro wedding absolutely knew this piece of the love story. It even came up in a speech from Dennis' best friend.

I hold on to these silly little sweet nothings as my own vows contained them (and of course so much more).  We "signed" our vows the same way we had signed all letters and notes for many years before.  We also both referenced Doctor Who.  A shared love formed over the years. (Our daughter is even named after a strong Doctor Who character.) We added both of these touches to our vows without ever discussing what was within them.  Five years later our renewal vows mirrored each other so closely it was stunning.

Josh's sweet vows to Dennis also noted small personal items.  They even pointed out what this very special Tuesday wedding date truly was. Their one year anniversary.  There are those who would say this is too quick, but in these times should any of us second guess taking what we want and going for it?  The Micro-wedding world that we live in perfectly suited these two special men.  After all before now, have you ever been invited to a Tuesday wedding? In these times it is truly becoming a part of the new normal.

This beautiful socially distanced ceremony was officiated by a dear friend of the couple and held with the charming walls of the Bostonia Public House.  If I were to plan a vow renewal or to help a close friend plan a small wedding such as this, Bostonia would absolutely make the top of my list.  Dennis and Josh's decor nestled beautifully into the tables that were so carefully set up both to accommodate distancing and to hold true to the appealing ambiance.  In these times Bostonia has invested in clear plexi glass dividers that truly do blend into the environment while keeping guests safe.  The staff was kind and accommodating.  They met the needs of guests with haste and were able to do a quick look around with me immediately upon my arrival.  I was shown where lighting controls reside and given the tools I needed to ensure the best quality for my clients. Everything was top notch.

Dennis and Josh's big day was my first peek out of maternity leave. It was wonderful to be able to capture sweet memories for a couple that was simply so kind.  These gentlemen truly took as much care of me as they did their guests.  I could see bits of my own love story in theirs and that made it so special.  No matter what I always learn so much in hearing wedding vows time after time. Now with a little one at home it ads deepened meaning to my "why".  Why do I still do it?  Well, work that enlightens and fills your heart will never grow old.

I am so honored to have captured my first true microwedding of 2020.  While I have captured intimate weddings for many years, this one will always remain special.  It was the perfect reminder that nothing can take away the meaning of love.  We must still celebrate it.

Until Next Time,
